A Hel of a Thing to Do

"The universities do not teach all things ... so a doctor must seek out old wives, gypsies, sorcerers, wandering tribes, old robbers, and such outlaws and take lessons from them. A doctor must be a traveller . . . Knowledge is experience." - Paracelsus A little background before the real ramble. As of this writing, I have been a Heathen for about seventeen years. However, I am not consistently active or dedicated to rigorous practice. I'm one of those people who often means to set up a regular meditation habit, but it lasts a week or two. I have some lovely altars, but I let them get dusty too often. I am not a Lore Hound or scholar. I have been in a couple of kindreds. When I found Heathenry, I was more or less immediately drawn to Freyr. I bloted to him privately within the first month of my journey. And about a month after that, I found out my spouse and I were going to have our first kid. I was inspired by and felt very close to the Vanir in general. I came here fro...